Personally, I don't think he's being kicked to the wayside, but instead looked past because of his affiliation with Tim Horton's. Even in the most recent edition of McKeen's, there are page ads for Sid and Horton's. Perhaps it's just a conflict of interest on the part of McDonald's, or maybe it just makes complete and utter sense to not have Crosby as the voice of two different chains. It'd be like OJ Simpson as the spokesman of Hertz and Enterprise, only without the murder.
Besides; come on now. Gatorade, Pepsi, Horton's, Reebok...I think he's doing enough. And on top of that, each of those requires time and commitment to photo and commercial shoots, so I'd say on top of an 82 game season Sid has enough on his plate.
On to tonight's game; tune in early at 6:30 to watch Sidney Crosby revealed. It should be an interesting documentary. Hopefully the NHL will take this approach with other rising stars around the league. My next pick would be the obvious Ovechkin, but I'd also like to see something on Patrick Kane from Chicago or the Wilds' Backstrom.
And as a tribute to the greats of the past (and present if your a Pens fan), check out this article on that talks about Mario and his fight against cancer. On a similar note, the Penguins will be using tonight as their night to work with the Hockey Fights Cancer campaign.
I think the most badass thing about hockey players is they have no problem rocking the pink attire for a good cause. Where's football and basketball on this one?